Sixteen Tons…of memories
I must admit, I love a cliché. And, working in the world of sport, there’s no better environment than a sporting one that is more suited to serving up a classic cliché or two: ‘one game at a time’, ‘they talk a good game’, ‘it’s a game of two halves’, […]
All You Need Is Love
About six years ago I had an email from someone called Pete Jones. We’d initially met after he was helping put together a book to celebrate 100 years of Swansea City FC and had known that I written a couple of Swans related books so asked if I’d like to […]
Welcome to the House of Fun 32
‘You don’t stop laughing because you grow older. You grow older because you stop laughing.’ Not my quote, but that of Maurice Chevalier. And I can’t imagine I’ll ever write a sentence quoting that particular French icon ever again, but nonetheless, Monsieur Chevalier made a very good point. I’m not […]
Brief Encounter
There are some moments in life, despite the briefness of the encounter, that live with us forever. July 2009, I was walking around the new retail development at Portsmouth Harbour with my wife Debbie, kids Georgia and Olivia, and my sister, Jackie’s, family – husband Nigel and my nieces Rebecca […]
Jimmy, Jimmy! 4
Our lives are constantly affected by fate. Or is it destiny, a higher power or maybe just plain luck? But whatever it is, our lives are often impacted by weird, wonderful and frankly, inexplicable coincidences. In 1973, I remember being marched into the hall of Brynhyfryd Primary School with the […]
Champion of Champions – special edition!
Hi, and welcome to my free, special edition chapter based on my children’s cycling book – ‘Champion of Champions’. Whilst so many pupils are currently at home, I thought I’d just provide a quick, fun comprehension option either for parents to print off and use at home or for teachers […]
We Can Be Heroes…. 12
Hero, legend, icon. Words that get bandied around quite cheaply these days, especially in sport. I actually get embarrassed when I recall the number of times I’ve been asked to describe my sporting hero, and realise just how many different names I’ve offered in response – Botham, Toshack, Borg, Woosnam, […]
Patron of Reading at Ansford Academy
The job of an author is a varied one. Obviously, there is writing, whether it’s books, blogs or magazine articles, writing is the mainstay, and I love it. But, like many authors, I put a large emphasis on sharing the joy of reading and writing too. To this end – […]
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.
It snowed this week. You hadn’t heard about it? I’m not surprised, that’s one problem with our country, we don’t make enough fuss about extreme weather, we just crack on as if if nothing happened and nobody says a thing about it. Yeah right. I think it started on about […]